Custom Therapeutic Massage
This style of masssage gives the best of both worlds and is our most popular. It is a combination of restorative massage and deep tissue, and is taylored precisely to your specific needs.
50 Minutes $120
60 Minutes $125
80 Minutes $155
90 Minutes $165
2 Hours $250
Originating in Japan, Ashi (foot) atsu (pressure) Medium to Deep compression strokes are applied to the body using “foot and hand” pressure to milk and relieve tight muscles while using parallel bars to balance and modify weight.
Loosen Up Massage, Inc. will gladly set up a consultation with our Ashiatsu experts to make your session tailored to your individual needs.
60 Minutes $125
90 Minutes $165
2 Hours $250
Chronically tight muscles can limit your range of motion, and therefore limit certain activities. Try assisted stretching by our experienced fitness trainer and massage therapist. With assisted stretching, you will see a drastic increase in your mobility and overall well being.
30 minutes $65
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei, God’s wisdom or the Higher Power, and Ki, life force energy. Reiki, then, is a spiritually guided life force energy. A reiki session is a specific type of subtle energy work in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands, allowing the flow of the energy from a limitless source (Life Force Energy)
60 Minutes $100
Lymph Drainage

What does lymphatic drainage massage do?
60 Minutes $120
Sports Massage

By applying a variety of modalaties, including manipulations and stretching of specific muscles, Sports massage is proven to release and reduce tension in muscles, improve circulation and encourage the removal of waste products such as lactic acid during high intensity activity and can help to relax the body. All of this helps promote recovery and reduces the chance of muscle injury.
60 Minutes $130 90 Minutes $170
Himalayan Hot Stone Massage
An innovative healing technique using warm salt crystal stones to ground and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system and meridians. Salt crystals from an ancient primal sea beneath the Himalayan mountains have 84 minerals that are hand carved into massage stones that gently soothe away an accumulation of stress, tension and pollutants. Feel the energy of the 250 million year old mineral as you enjoy a gentle light or deep massage.
Add to any massage for only $25 & $15 for one area of the body, ex. back.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which the practitioner will place special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction, which helps to release constricted connective tissue (fascia), which then brings stagnant blood and toxins that have been trapped in the deeper layers of the tissue to the surface to be flushed from the body.
Add $20 to any massage.
Reflexology is the activation of specific points on the hands and feet to promote the proper functioning of the body. The idea behind reflexology is that the hands and feet are like condensed maps of the rest of the body; the head, torso, organs, legs and arms are all directly connected to specific areas of the hands and feet. By applying pressure to the areas which correspond to each other, other parts of the body are affected. For instance, using particular pressure massages on the toes can relieve head and sinus problems. A trained professional in reflexology can even pinpoint issues in the body by feeling the tension in your hands and feet.
Loosen Up Massage, Inc. has reflexologists with many years of experience and our other practitioners have often been astounded by all the positive effects reflexology has for our clients.
60 Minutes $120
Pre-Natal Massage
Alleviate normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, fatigue, leg cramps. Reduce stress on weight-bearing joints, encouraging blood and lymph circulation. Help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes. Pillows used for support and comfort.
60 Minutes $125
Enhance your massage with the power of medical grade essential oils.
Add to any massage for only $15
CBD Massage
What is a CBD massage? The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agents of CBD, Cannabidiol, reduces inflammation within muscles and joints, allowing the massage therapist to work more effectively. Does not have any mind-altering effects.
Add $25 to full body massage
Add $15 for spot treatment